Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Bikini Boot Camp!

Summer is around the corner so I decided to start my own Bikini Boot Camp starting April 1st! This includes a program of your own choice, Shakeology, me as your coach, and an AWESOME team of support and inspiration! Interested in saving 25%?! Find out how! It is time to take control of YOUR life and enjoy YOUR summer =D Message me for details!

I am here to help you get to where you want to be and be the person you want to be and always could have been! If you are ready to change your life and feel like you can put 100% into this I CAN HELP. Start today so you can be one step closer to a healthier lifestyle!

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Two Months of Turbo Jam Results!

I am super excited with my results by far! Since I have started the Team Beachbody programs, I have lost a total of 17.5lbs and 28.5inches. I cannot believe it!! Hard work does pay off. It is such a good feeling. I also cannot believe how much weight I lost with 2 months of Turbo Jam. I am starting TurboFire tomorrow and I am extremely excited and also a bit nervous! This program is 90 days long, This program is going to really give me that beach body I always dreamed of. I cannot wait to see my results from TurboFire!! For those of you who feel like it isn't possible to achieve your goals, let me remind you that you are wrong. You CAN do it. Push yourself. It is not easy. I push myself each day. I battle with eating right from time to time. Its your life and you only live once! It is time to make that difference. I did and I still am. My life has changed forever. I am never going to look back at the old me ever again. =D Now I am going to enjoy my Sunday =D

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Just me.

march 13, 2013 185lbs

This is me March 13 2013. When I took these pictures I could not believe my eyes! My body is changing so drastically and it is kind of hard to take it all in. This is the most active I have ever been in my life and I feel amazing. I have been overcoming a lot of personal challenges the past couple of months. I don't know where I would be right now if I never got introduced to team beachbody, not just physically but almost mentally. My biggest challenge that I am trying to over come is running. There is just this barrier that I just can't seem to break through no matter how hard I push myself. I have a 5k in mind that I will be running in a few months so I am trying my hardest to overcome this challenge and make it a part of my everyday life.  I know I can do it, I do. I think it is the fear and thought of me failing. I try to do the best  I can do always and maybe I am just scared that I may fail. Oh well, it is a work it progress! Until then, I am happy how far I have came in only 3 months. This summer is going to be amazing I just know it.

Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Richard Neal...AMAZING

I am on a conference call with Richard Neal. For those of you who do not know who he is, you NEED to know who he is. His transformation is UNBELIEVABLE.  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-UMdKSvwpaQ You need to watch his transformation video. He was like every average obese person. He couldn't even get on a regular scale. He had to go to the local junk yard to way himself. He had a HUGE transformation.  His story is so inspiring and his call tonight is def. inspiring. I am actually going to be seeing him April 27th. If anyone is interested in coming with me, to be inspired by this beachbody hero, message me. It is only $20 dollars to go.

Monday, March 4, 2013

Turbo Jam Month 2 week 1 and week 2 Results

Hey everyone! I just realized that I have not updated you guys about how my second month of TurboJam is going. I just ended my second week of it and am super excited to charge into the 3rd week. The 1st week of my second month went really really well! I kicked ass. I realized that I am finally use to the moves and I find myself pushing harder than I ever have before. First week of month two results were : .5 lbs and 1.9 inches down. I wasn't too happy with that but I take what I can get! At the end of the 1st week, I received my Shakeology in the mail! It's amazing! I don't know what I would do without it. When the 2nd week started, I had this over whelming feeling like I wasn't going to be able to do it. My work outs seemed so much harder, my back was in a tremendous amount of pain. I missed 2 work outs last week. I was really hard on myself. I cannot figure out why. i think I am hitting a wall. I know I can do it and I will keep pushing as hard as I can. So, I weighed myself yesterday, and my results for week 2 of month 2 was 1 lb down and .8 inches. Again, I was not happy with my results but I SHOULD be. I worked hard and pushed through the struggles that I had. My goal by the end of the month is to lose 3 more pounds. By the summer, I want to be 15- 20 pounds lighter than I am now. I know I can do it, if I keep pushing myself! To be in a two piece would be so IDEAL. I know that TurboFire will help me break through those 15-20 pounds so I can wear a 2 piece this summer!!

Friday, March 1, 2013

An update of everything!

Hey everyone!! I have been busy busy busy with my business, getting everything together and with school. Feels like I haven't had time to relax and reflect on everything! My office has been a complete mess and not functional which wasn't very motivating at all.

So lets see, this past week I inspired 8 people to join one of my challenge group, using the HipHopAbs program. I am totally excited to help them get on the right track of eating healthy and being fit. I love inspiring people to better themselves and their life! This takes off March 4 woohoo!!!

On another note, I am ending my 2nd week of month two of TurboJam this weekend! I have been drinking my Shakeology all week, which I absolutely LOVE! I am hoping to see some more inches lost and hopefully some pounds dropped! I have been working really hard!

If anyone is interested, I am starting another challenge group that begins March 18th. It is a TurboFire challenge group. I will be starting the program with anyone who decides to join. If you want in and buy the challenge pack, you will be getting a months worth of Shakeology, the program, me as your coach, and an abundance of support on your journey!

If TurboFire isn't quite what you are looking for and want something thats more revolved around muscle building, I have a deal for you! P90X and P90X2 challenge packs are on sale this month! You can save 25 dollars right off the bat! A grand total of $80 bucks if you were to purchase the programs separately   This includes a month of Shakeology and the program. You will have me as your coach and an abundance of support on your journey!

There is also ANOTHER special that is going on with the Ultimate Reset!! You can save $50 dollars on this 21 day total body reset!! www.myultimaterest.com/reena718 Check out the site for more details!

I am kind of disappointed in myself. I told everyone that I was going to start training for a 5k and I have not started yet. My plan is to start this upcoming Monday and I am hoping that it will happen. I also was suppose to start eating salads with meat for dinner (this week) and it didn't work out the way I hoped it would. I am going to try to make both of these happen this week. I REALLY want to run a 5k. I want to do this for myself! So hopefully I will push myself to start training Monday!! I need to keep pushing myself! I know I can. You can too. I found this quote and I LOVE it.

Friday, February 22, 2013

Limited Time Only! HipHopAbs is onsale!!

Limited time only!!! HipHopAbs challenge pack for all of you interested in doing a program and shake is on sale! Want to save 25%? Ask me how! Join my challenge group March 4! Message me for more details. I have done this program and I LOVE it. It is so much fun and it kicks your butt. So if you are ready to get that sexy body for the summer, you should def. look into it! =D

Thursday, February 21, 2013


Today I woke up and I was very down and unmotivated. I have been feeling like I can't do this anymore but I really do know I can. It's this same old battle that I always have with myself. I realized that I shouldn't be feeling this way and got out of bed and did my workout. Boy, I did NOT want to do it. After 10 mins of doing it I was already feeling great. After the 40 mins. were over, I was so proud of myself that I actually pushed through. I felt AMAZING and felt like I could have done more! I decided to go through older photos from a few months ago. I wanted to compare it to a picture I took today. I couldn't find the one I was looking for but I found something even better (or worse since I was so much bigger then). I put both pictures side by side:

Left: Oct 2012 Right: Feb 2013

I cannot believe I looked THAT AWFUL. I let myself go BIG time.  It actually breaks my heart that I once looked like that. It's okay though, I am never going to look back or be that way again. I am going to keep pushing each day as hard as I can to be where I want to be. I want to live a long and healthy life and I am on that journey. If I can push this hard so can anyone else. We have only one life to live, why not make the best out of it?

Sunday, February 17, 2013

My Results!

Whoa. This takes a lot of guts to actually put this photo up. It is tough to look back at how you use to look. I was even bigger than that when I started my journey two months ago! When I started this journey, I felt like I wasn't going to succeed. It was so so so hard to start and put my all into it. I felt like I was never going to see any results, that my hard work was not going to pay off. I am so happy that I kept pushing myself. I found it in me to overcome the negativity that I had towards myself. Now I feel amazing. I lost 12lbs total and 25.3 inches ( all over my body). If I can do it, so can you! On that note, I am starting my second month of TurboJam tomorrow. When the month is over, I am going to start TurboFire which is a 3 month program. I am going to push hard so I can have that beach body for the summer!

I feel like I need to give a huge thank you to Team Beachbody and all of my fellow coaches. Team Beachbody gave me my life back. The programs are amazing. They are hard work but are def. fun. The support from my fellow coaches and is absolutely amazing. When I am feeling down or if I feel like I don't have it in me to push through, they are always there giving me that little push that I need. =)

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Keeping Pushing Yourself!


Hello everyone! So today I wanted to share with everyone that I am going to start training to run a 5k! Correena run? What? lol...That's what I was saying to myself when the thought crossed my mind. I NEVER run, EVER. I do have torn tendons in my left ankle and have had 2 surgeries years ago. The surgeries worked but I kept spraining my ankle so now I think I am worse off than I was before. I decided to start training for a 5k for a few reasons. The first reason was that I wanted to do something different, something challenging. Since I haven't ran in god knows how long, I thought it would be a great idea to start now. My mind and my body has changed so much over the past 2 months. I believe that I can do anything I put my mind to. The second reason I decided to train for a 5k is the simple fact that I haven't ran. I want to train my body to be able to run for long  periods of time and distance. I want to be able to wake up on a spring or summer morning and go for a jog in my wonderful, peaceful neighborhood. The whole point of my journey is to push myself harder and overcome any fears or doubts that I have ever had about myself.

I found a website that gives your a schedule to follow for a 5k. I heard there is an app, but I haven't looked into it yet. The website gives a 8 weeks schedule to follow. The site is http://running.about.com/od/racetraining/a/first5K.htm. I am starting my journey Monday Feb. 18, along with my Shakeology and 2nd month of TurboJam! I will keep everyone updated. If I can do it, anyone can do it. Push hard, and feel great!

Sunday, February 10, 2013

TurboJam Results Week 3

Whoa! It feels like its been ages since I last posted. I am currently without power (I am at a family members how right now) due to the crazy storm Nemo! I have not been able to do my workout for 2 days and if the power doesn't come on I wont be able to do it tomorrow either -_- But on Saturday I did weigh in and I was pretty excited about my results! I lost 1lb and another 4in off of my body. Total: 12 pounds and 24inches! This is something that I am extremely proud about. I am so glad I started my whole journey when I did because I would have been very upset about myself otherwise. My body is changing so much for the better. I feel like I am literally melting away and it feels great. I feel so much stronger and have a ton of energy that I did not have before. As I continue my journey, I want to help others who were stuck just like I was. I want to make a change, make a difference . I realized that I CAN do whatever I put my mind to. I can work hard to get what I want. The best thing is, everyone can!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

It is all up to you!

Do you want to get healthy and have fun doing it? Or are you already healthy and just want to be an inspiration in someones life on their journey to a healthy life? With Team Beachbody we can make that happen! We offer an array of workout programs that can meet any of your needs. We range from dancing aerobics (e.g. HipHop Abs, Turbo Jam, TurboFire) to full on building muscle (e.g. P90x, Insanity, Les Mills). By doing these programs you are burning fat, building muscle, and changing your lifestyle to a healthy one!www.beachbodycoach.com/REENA718
We also offer the best meal replacement with all the nutrients you need called Shakeology! Just replace one meal a day with this delicious shake which comes in Chocolate, Chocolate Vegan. Vegan Tropical Strawberry, and Green Berry.http://myshakeology.com/Reena718 or even do a 3 day cleanse with Shakeology to shed the pounds and feel great! If you are just looking to lose weight and cleanse your body, then you would be interested in the Ultimate Reset! http://myultimatereset.com/Reena718

It is time to take care of your life. We have a wonderful support system! Message me for more details. Remember, you can do it!!

Sunday, February 3, 2013

Turbojam Challenge group!

I am starting a Turbojam challenge group in 2 weeks! This consists of the Turbojam workout program and Shakeology! If you are ready to start looking and feeling great message me for details or visit my site at www.beachbodycoach.com/reena718! This is an opportunity that you will not want to miss especially with summer being right around the corner! Come on and lets Jam!

Saturday, February 2, 2013

End of week 2 of Turbojam

Good morning everyone! Today was my weigh in, since I do one every week! I am so proud of myself! I lost 2.5lbs and 3.1 inches this week! Which totals, from the beginning of my journey, 11 pounds and 24 inches! I am not going to lie, there are def times where I want to give up because I feel like I am not worth it or do not think I will be able to accomplish my goals, but I push through that time and push through the workouts. It is such an amazing feeling when you see the results of working your butt off.

I want to be the motivation for you to begin your journey! I want to help you through it all! If you are interested at all in beginning to eat healthy and working out, visit my page www.beachbodycoach.com/reena718 and click on shop! If you have ANY questions, contact me =) Remember, you can do ANYTHING you put your mind to no matte how hard you may think it is!!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

An Awesome Motivational Idea

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Hey everyone! So today I have been thinking a lot about my journey and I am feeling kind of down/depressed. Sometimes I get this way, as do many others. Thoughts that run through my mind is what I am doing really going to make a difference? What if my body shuts down and I do all this hard work and I don't lose all my weight? Sometimes I feel like no matter how hard I work, I will not see results. So, to try and eliminate these awful negative thoughts, I came up with an idea on how to keep myself motivated and not  negative.  I have a  bulletin board at home which is a pretty decent size, not to big not to small. I am going to make it my fitness board. I may put a small calendar up or may not. Every week I am going to put either a picture of myself in something that hadn't fit me before and fits me now, or my measurements/weight. If I use a calendar, I am going to write in each workout that I do each day so I can physically see it on the board. Along with this, I think I will try and put some motivational quotes and/or motivational pictures on the board also. I am going to put it in a place that every day when I wake up, I will see it and any negative feeling that may have come across my mind, disappears.

Once this is made (hopefully by this weekend),  I will take a picture and show you guys exactly what I mean.  I feel like this is a motivational tool not just for me, but for everyone else who is on their journey or wants to begin their journey. This idea can work for just about everyone.

via tumblr

Monday, January 28, 2013

Making Small Modifications

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Hey everyone!  I wanted to discuss the importance of eating healthy and staying away from fast foods and fatty foods. As human beings, we were meant to eat foods filled with nutrients such as fruits and vegetables. Eating these foods helps our bodies flush out the toxins that build up from our liver, etc. When we consume fast foods/unhealthy foods, we are putting other toxins into our body and putting on unnecessary fat.  We need to change this. We need to learn how to cut out some, if not all, fatty and unhealthy foods. This is not just to lose weight, this is to make a new and improved healthy life for yourself. Check out the chart that I found (via tumblr) at the beginning of this post. All you need to do to start your journey is make these small modifications to your eating habits and it can help put you on the right track to a healthier lifestyle.

via tumblr

Ready to Change Your Life?

Are you ready to change your life? Do you want to feel healthier and be healthier than you ever were before? If you are serious about this, join me on my Team Beachbody journey to a new and healthier lifestyle. Since I have started my journey, just a month and a half ago,  I have lost 9 pounds and 20 inches from my body. I am more active than I ever was before, i feel healthier than ever, and I am beginning to look amazing! If you are interested please contact me via facebook or email (reena718@gmail.com). Don't forget to check out my beachbody site www.beachbodycoach.com/reena718 and browse the programs! 

Saturday, January 26, 2013

End of Week 1 of Turbo Jam

Hey everyone! I haven't posted in a few days an I apologize! School just began again so everything is getting a little bit crazy! So, today starts my second week of Turbo Jam which I am pretty excited that I made it through week one! I recorded my results today and I am not very happy with them. My weight stayed the same -_- and I only lost 3.1 inches all over my body. I guess I shouldn't get discouraged over it since I am seeing results but I put so much hard work into my workouts this week I thought I would have at least saw more results. To be fair, my body did struggle A LOT this week since my metabolism is kicking into high gear. Also, my body is probably still adjusting to the TurboJam workouts too. I am going to keep pushing play and work my ass off to see more results. Summer will be here before you know it and I want to be comfortable with myself in the humid weather for once in my life.

Since I have started my journey to a healthier lifestyle, I have lost 9 pounds and 22 inches all over my body. I look better and I feel better. I fit into old jeans now and I also look better in my clothes. I am not going to stop now. Team Beachbody has changed my life and still continues to every single day. The harder I push the better I feel and the more results I will see. If you are interested in changing your life like I am, visit www.beachboadycoach.com/reena718 and check out the programs that we offer! message me for more details either on my facebook or reena718@gmail.com

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Just a little reminder!

Hey everyone! I just wanted to throw out there that I do have a Facebook page if you felt like following me on there. It may be easier for you to keep up with this blog via Facebook! The link is:http://www.facebook.com/InspirationalHealthBlog . Just click the like button and you would be good to go!  Also, if anyone needs someone to talk to about their health, weight loss, anxiety, depression, or even to get more information on how to change your life, just message me via blog, facebook, or email. =D And remember....

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

My new challenge

I have a new challenge that I have to face and I do not really know how I am going to work around it. This semester, I had to quit my job in order to finish school. My job was a very active job. I worked with children and I was constantly on my feet. I would dance, jump, and I was constantly getting up and down, rolling around.  Now I am sitting in class for about 4-5 hours a day back to back. My lack of movement is going to kill me. I am not going to burn as many calories a day as I normally do. Also, my eating habits are going to suffer. I can't sit in  class an eat something crunch or a sandwich, I need to figure out another solution. So, I did some brainstorming, and I think I came up with a few ideas to keep me going. 

  • To get myself moving more, I decided I will park further away from my classes and I will take the longest way to get to them if I can. I am also going to get up earlier in the mornings and make sure I get one workout in and then another one when I get home from school. I am thinking that this will end up balancing out and I will still be as active, maybe even more, than how I was when I was working.
  • For my lunch, I am going to drink shakes. I bought slimfast for now (I am not a huge fan) but I am planning on starting shakeology within the next month. I need something fast and filling. I am going to bring fruits and little snacks for in between. And of course water!
I will try this for a month and see how it goes. I am hoping this works and doesn't effect my journey to a new me!

Monday, January 21, 2013

Turbo Jam

Hello everyone! Today I wanted discuss the program Turbo Jam! The workout program is absolutely AMAZING. Turbo Jam is a kickboxing and body sculpting workout with one of the best trainers in town Chalene Johnson. You work out to upbeat and fast pace music. This program is a good beginner program for people who want to change their lives and get fit! I just ordered this program a few days ago. Today was my 3rd day into it and let me tell you, it kicked my butt! You feel the burn in your abs, butt, arms, legs, and back. The calories that I burn doing this workout is INSANE. I know for a fact by the end of this month I will be thinner and a lot more fit than I am now! If you would like to know more or are interested in Turbo Jam or any other workout program, come check out my Team BeachBody page at www.beacbodycoach.com/reena718

I hope I can help you achieve your goal and begin your journey! Message me with any questions you may have!

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Today's weigh in

Good Morning everyone!!! Sorry I didn't post yesterday, I was very busy!! Today was my weigh in day. I am pretty please with the results! I weighed myself and it said I had gained 2 pounds since Tuesday. I was kind of discouraged but I believe thats only water weight. I then took my measurements! I lost...

  • 1 inch from my ches
  • 1 inches from both of my arms
  • 1.5 inches from my waist
  • .8 inches from my hips
  • 1 inch from my right thigh
  • 2 inches from my left thigh
  • TOTAL: 7.3 inches this week! =D
I am pretty excited. Seeing results does motivate me more each day to push play and go to the gym. If you guys want to feel as happy as I do and want to see those results message me! I am a team beachbody coach. I do want to help you through your journey. Check out the programs that will help you change your life at www.beachbodycoach.com/reena718

Friday, January 18, 2013

A little Inspiration for today!

Good morning everyone! I am going to talk about a few key factors that are involved in your journey to weight loss.

  • Exercising
  • Eating
  • Negativity
  • Your Self-Esteem


For a lot of us, the reason why we want to lose weight is to be skinny. Though that is a valid reason, it is not the logical one. What does "skinny" mean? What fulfillment does one get from being "skinny"? The number one reason for why we want to lose weight should be to live a longer and healthier life! If we put that in our heads, we will see more results. Just think of how much you would gain in your life if you were to be healthy? So, we should exercise to be fit and healthy, not just skinny!


As  human race, our eating habits have been getting worse over the years. We have more people who are obese, including children, in the United States than in any other country alone. We eat bigger portions of fats and starches rather than vegetables, fruits, and dairy. To me this is outrageous. I am guilty of this, but I have chose to change my life. We need to eat foods that have tons of nutrients such as vegetables and fruits. Our body thrives off of them. Our body needs these nutrients to flush out all of the toxins that our body creates. This is why we need to eat to nourish our body. Our body is a temple, and we should be taking care of it!


All we ever hear is negativity. We hear it from the media and from other people. But the main source of negativity comes from ourselves. As human beings, we can beat ourselves up pretty badly. It's like we have an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other. The angel says "eat the fruits and vegetables" and the devil says "no you really want that big mac". As human beings, we cave in and get the big mac and we beat ourselves up over it. No more of that! No more listening to the negativity from yourself and other people. You can be strong. If you feel week there are always people out there to help you through it.

You and Your Self-esteem

Bottom line is, you are worth it. This is your life you are trying to change. You can do it. Surround yourself with positive people. Make positive choices. Push yourself until you can't push any more. Remember, you are worth it!!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Today's Struggle

I found this on http://collegetimes.ie/get-motivated-12-fitness-quotes-to-start-your-week/.  It seemed to fit what I went through today!

Today I woke up feeling very down and unmotivated. I hate when I feel that way. I knew I had to push through that feeling. I immediately put my gym clothes on and went to the gym. While there, I was still unmotivated. I do not know where this feeling came from but I tried to push through it. As soon as I was about to stop my workout, a trainer gave me a compliment. So, I kept going, pushing harder. I ended up getting that same unmotivated feeling that I had earlier in the morning. A song came on my ipod called "nike air". How ironic is that? It was an up beat fast song about pushing through and you can do it. So, nonetheless, I finished my workout! 435 calories down and I feel amazing! Just push on through it!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013

What helps me and motivates me to lose weight

There are a few things that help me and motivate me to lose weight.  They are:

  • Fitbit
  • My Fitness Pal
  • Hip Hop Abs
  • Anytime Fitness
  • Eating Healthy and Juicing
The Fitbit

The Fitbit is an amazing device. It is this little itty bitty device that tracks how active you are. It tracks how many steps you take, how many miles you walk, how many stairs you climb, and the best part how many calories you burn throughout the day. This device is one of the most accurate devices on the market along side the body bug. This device connects to your computer. You then have a dashboard that keeps track of all the calories you burn etc. You also can view it on the Fitbit. You have the ability to track foods and workouts too but I use another device for that.

My Fitness Pal

The My Fitness Pal website is a site that helps you track everything that you eat throughout a whole day. It lets you set up how many calories you want to take in per day ( I take in 1200). I have found this to be the most accurate site according to the foods that you can log in. A great thing about this is that it actually links to the Fitbit and you can view everything on either My Fitness Pal or the Fitbit dashboard.  Sometimes I use My Fitness Pal to track my workouts but they do not recognize my workout programs from Team Beach Body so I use another site.

Hip Hop Abs/ Team BeachBody

I was NEVER the type of person to actually do a workout  video. I felt like I didn't have the patience to  stand infront of a tv screen and work out. Well, I was COMPLETELY wrong! As I said before, I was introduced to Team BeachBody by my cousin. I was currently enrolled in a gym so I figured I would go to the gym and do Hip Hop Abs on the side so I could work my stomach muscles. The first day I did the workout, I was amazed. It was so much fun and it kicked my butt! I couldn't believe that I use to think work out videos were boring and I didn't have the patience for them. I started to do some workouts with my cousin thats associated with the Turbo Fire program with Chalene Johnson. I fell in love again. These videos just keep you going. They are up beat and you get an AMAZING workout. Plus, you see RESULTS! Now this lead me to become a Team BeachBody coach. My goal is to continue my journey by helping others with their weight loss. Click to learn more about the Team BeachBody Programs!

Anytime Fitness

All I have to say about this gym is that it is AMAZING. Every branch ( I almost been to all of them in RI) are very neat and clean. There is no competition and the trainers are awesome. I suggest this place to everyone. The machines that they have are amazing. I have been to a few other gyms and nothing compares to them. I look forward going there everyday!

Eating Healthy and Juicing

Eating healthy is just as important as working out. They go hand and hand. I know you are probably saying "I am not going to live my life counting calories and measuring what I eat" but if you are ready to have a healthy life style and be fit you should at least try and do this just a little bit. I am not saying go crazy, just adapt it to your life. This is a lifestyle change, you need to be committed! So, figure out how many calories you want to consume a day. I pick 1200 because thats the lowest you could go and I still eat a good amount of food. There are ways you can figure out (online) how much your calorie intake should be. If you are iffy, then go to your doctor. Always make sure you have 3 meals a day and at least 2-3 snacks. Consume LOTS and LOTS of water! Fruits and vegetables are a key factor in losing weight. You need to get as much as you can in your system a day since our bodies require the nutrients to function properly. I am not a big vegetable fan so me and my boyfriend invested in a juicer. Oh how I LOVE my juicer. I suggest a juicer to anyone who isn't a big fruit or veggie fan because you just mix different types of fruits and veggies together and they taste delicious! Sometimes its better to drink them then actually sit there and try to eat them!

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Me and Team Beach Body

That is right! There really is not a better time than now to start living a healthy lifestyle. That is exactly what I am doing. Let me tell you a little about what happened to me over the past few months. I was fed up and depressed about how I looked. I looked at myself in the mirror and could not believe what I saw. I let myself completely go. I weighed myself and I hit over 200lbs. I always told myself that I would never let myself get over 200 but I did. At that moment I knew I needed to start my journey some how, some where. My boyfriend and I signed up to Anytime Fitness. I met with a trainer. I had good intentions but I just could not stick to it. I heard about the Team Beach Body programs through my cousin who had heard about it from her best friend. I figured that I would give it a try. I decided to do the Hip Hop Abs program and also try the gym at the same time. After 2 weeks of doing it I noticed results! I could not believe it! I was losing inches and I felt amazing. I ordered Chalene Johnson's Greatest HIITS workout dvd. It's very intense but I fell in love with her! At this point I was doing Hip Hop Abs, HIITS, and attending the gym.  For Christmas, my boyfriend bought me a device called the Fitbit. This device tracks the number of steps, miles, stairs, and calories that you burn throughout the day (there will be another post on just this later). By mid January, I had lost over 12 inches all over my body and 8 pounds. Of course I am eating healthier and tracking what I am eating via MyFitnessPal (which links to the Fitbit which is amazing!). I finally wanted to continue my journey with Team Beach Body and become a coach. I feel like becoming a coach will benefit me and other people on their journey because I am still on my journey. I can relate to the people who want to have a healthier lifestyle and lose weight. I have done and still are doing the programs that are offered by Team Beach Body. I just ordered the Turbo Jam program and I am looking forward to doing that for the next few months.

If you are interested at all in the Team Beach Body programs message me or check out my page at http://beachbodycoach.com/REENA718 . 
Good afternoon everyone! It has been such a long time since I have posted on this blog. When I first started this blog I wanted to make a change in my life and in others too. I was on the right track but I ended up not being mentally ready. When it comes to weight loss, you NEED to be mentally ready or it is either not going to work or you are going to have a hard time with working out and losing the pounds. It is very hard to get into the mind set but once you do, it is a phenomenal feeling. Anyway, I am finally mentally there which means I am ready to get this blog rolling. I am ready to help anyone that needs it! Besides being mentally ready, it is always good to have someone to share your weight loss goals and struggles with. It is also good to have a workout partner. I am going to try to post 3-4 times a week if I can. This week, I will probably post everyday. Just stay tuned. Remember to stay strong! =D