Monday, May 7, 2012

Day 4 of Reena's weight loss journey

Good Morning! Hope everyone is doing well.  This is day 4 of my "diet" and this is also the first day I actually start working out! Looks like I am going to be going alone (which I hate) but if I don't get my self to the gym then I will never go. I will post tonight how long I was at the gym and tell you what I did. Also, everyday (at the end of the day), I am going to be posting a log of everything I had ate for the day so you guys can actually get and idea of how I am eating healthy.

So on that note, I need to get to work! I will leave you all with this. I saw this quote today and it touched me, so I am sharing it with you all. Hopefully it makes sense to you like it does to me! Lets MAKE it happen!


  1. Good for you!
    Start slow today; it will keep your motivation lasting longer!!!
    I learned that the VERY hard way hahahah

    I like how you will be posting what you eat that is such a great idea!

  2. Good luck.
    For a bit of light relief, you might enjoy this Cartoon

  3. I feel very grateful that I read this. It is very helpful and very informative and I really learned a lot from it. inspirational people


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